
With information technology, creative thinking that cannot be replaced by AI has become increasingly important, with divergent thinking receiving particular attention. When discussing changes in divergent thinking due to changes in the environment and conditions, an evaluation task is needed to measure divergent thinking. Alternative Uses Test (AUT) is most commonly used as evaluation task. However, its result is affected by differences in native language and the evaluation is dependent on the knowledge and experience of the evaluater. The objective of this study was to develop an interface for an evaluation task to measure divergent thinking solving them problems of AUT. In the task, a user is required to generate a color queue and flexibility is evaluated by how many varieties of color sequences are in a color queue consisting of color sequences, which is called Color Queue Creation Task (CQCT). Based on the relationship between randomness a person possesses and divergent thinking from previous research, we considered that the more random color sequences in a color queue, the more flexible it is. In CQCT, a user selects colors while satisfying the requirement of generating a more random color queue.

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