Abstract – Safety commands the highest priority in nuclear power plants. Organization
which operates nuclear power plants is demanded to become a learning organization,
which learns from information of passed incidents and troubles using database. As a first
step for transformation of organization into learning organization, learning activity of
each member of organization in personal level is necessary. Nevertheless, that learning
activity has not been continued because of the lack of motivation to use databases. In this
study, the authors intend to develop a new method to promote learning activity to use
database. First, a time-variation model of motivation for using databases was constructed
based on an interview with a worker in a nuclear power plant who uses his own database
spontaneously. This model subsumes that an attachment, which is an emotional bond to
a particular object, was the most important factor to enhance the motivation for using
the database. Second, “ compliment each other’s data ” and “ adding original data ”,
were proposed as methods to foster attachment to a database. Then, an experiment was
conducted to evaluate the proposed method. Results showed that the proposed method
must be modified to include a particular way of compliment and a guidance of database